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About us

ÁTI DEPO Public Warehousing Zrt. is a provider of logistics services, possessing of one of the largest warehouse capacities in Hungary, a member of Interag Holding which is in British majority ownership and engages in property development and utilisation. It is also thanks to this that ÁTI DEPO Public Warehousing Zrt. is capable of not merely offering the current warehouse capacity to its present and potential customers, but realises the individual ideas of its partners as well.

At the moment, ÁTI DEPO has 12 depots at various locations of the country, of which six bases (Baja, Győr, Miskolc, Pécs, Szabadbattyán, Szigetszentmiklós) can perform on almost 134,000 sq.m. the storage of primarily palletted goods. At another seven depots (Baja, Békéscsaba, Kecskemét, Mátészalka, Mezőkovácsháza, Mohács, Szabadbattyán), it operates a grain storage facility suitable to receive 245,000 tons of grain. Almost all the grain logistics depots of ÁTI DEPO Public Warehousing Zrt. are supplied with the capacity to perform high-output railway loading of grain, and at the Baja depot and at the Mohács depot, fluvial loading and unloading can be carried out too.

We keep records of our warehouse stocks by means of integrated software of warehouse management, developed by UNILOG Kft. Our IT system is on-line, which allows continuous liaising with our Budapest head office on the one hand, and with the respective depots on the other hand. It is compatible with most other domestic, or international programs for keeping stock records, or can be made compatible via interface, thus, if need may be, there is a possibility to develop direct computer relationship with our partners as well.

At the majority of our depots, we have further surface available for development (e.g.: in Szigetszentmiklós, 80 hectares in the ÁTI-Sziget Industrial Park, in Kecskemét, 8 hectares, in Mátészalka 5 hectares), for the utilisation of which we are seeking partners.

Beyond the solutions of logistics, ÁTI DEPO Public Warehousing Zrt. can provide support to its partners in their problems of stock financing too. From 5th January 2009, ÁTI DEPO Zrt. can place at the disposal of its partners, with regard to goods stored in the warehouse spaces it operates, own-site warrants of public warehousing, preferred by the financial institutions that perform stock financing.


Our goal and task is close co-operation with our clients, securing a full-scale solution ,,all in one” to our clients following review of the processes.

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